Update Noelle Theme
There are 3 ways to update your theme: use Envato Market Plugin for automatic theme updates or manual update the theme via FTP or WordPress.
After updating the theme, all your content such as pages, options, images and posts will not be lost or erased by doing this. However, any customizations to the theme’s core files, such as PHP files, language files will be lost. So you need to the child theme to customize the theme and backup the lang file if you translated the theme.
Method 1: Automatic Updates
The Envato Market plugin can install WordPress themes and plugins purchased from ThemeForest & CodeCanyon by connecting with the Envato Market API using a secure OAuth personal token. Once your themes & plugins are installed WordPress will periodically check for updates, so keeping your items up to date is as simple as a few clicks.
Step 1 – Download WP Envato Market plugin.
Step 2 – Install and Active the plugin. To install the plugin navigate to Plugins > Add New and click on the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page. Next browse for the envato-market.zip file that you downloaded from Github. Then click the button to Install Now and when prompted click the Activate Plugin link.
Step 3 – If you translated the theme and the language files are in themes/Noelle/languages/, you need to upload them to wp-content/languages/themes/. If not, after updating the theme, any customizations to the theme’s core files, such as PHP files, language files will be lost.
Step 4 – Click the Envato Market menu in WordPress and connect to the API.
Step 5 – Don’t forget to update the required plugins
If this instruction is not clear enough, we found a very detail tutorial to using this plugin here.
Method 2: Manual Update Via WordPress
Step 1 – Download the Installable theme from ThemeForest in the Download menu on ThemeForest. Then extract it to your computer.
Step 2 – Go to Appearance > Themes and deactivate Noelle theme. To deactivate, simply switch to a different theme. For example, the default WordPress Twenty Seventeen theme.
Step 3 – If you translated the theme and the language files are in themes/Noelle/languages/, you need to upload them to wp-content/languages/themes/. If not, after updating the theme, any customizations to the theme’s core files, such as PHP files, language files will be lost.
Step 4 – After deactivating you can go ahead and delete it. To do this, hover over the theme thumbnail then click Theme Details. In the bottom right corner of the window, click the Delete button. All your content such as pages, options, images and posts will not be lost or erased by doing this. However, any customizations to the theme’s core files, such as PHP files will be lost. So you need to the child theme to customize the theme.
Step 5 – Upload, Install and Active the theme.
Step 6 – Don’t forget to update the required plugins
Method 3: Manual Update Via FTP
Step 1 – Download the Installable theme from ThemeForest in the Download menu on ThemeForest. Then extract it to your computer.
Step 2 - Access your server via FTP or SFTP (Filezilla is a free recommended program)
Step 3 – If you translated the theme and the language files are in themes/Noelle/languages/, you need to backup then upload them to wp-content/languages/themes/. If not, after updating the theme, any customizations to the theme’s core files, such as PHP files, language files will be lost.
Step 4 - Browse to wp-content/themes/
Step 5 - Delete the current theme folder (folder "Noelle") then upload the new one downloaded in step
Last updated
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